We're BACK..again! YAY!
It's been a longs time huh.. well sorry about that.
I've moved so its been a bit hectic! But I'm going to try and come back slowly but surely!
I'm glad to be back though, I've missed the site!
Well thanks for sticking around!
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Demi Lovato "Sweats Like A Dog"!
So, her best friend is Selena Gomez and her “boys” are the Jonas Brothers, but there’s much more to Demi Lovato than the singing-and-acting sensation made famous by Camp Rock and her debut album, Don’t Forget.
The 16-year-old beauty, who can’t live without her BlackBerry, has a dog named Bailey and is the middle child of two sisters, ages 20 and 6. Her full name is Demetria, her nickname is Dem, and she doesn’t remember the last time she was grounded. “My parents and I are very close,” she says. “It’s been a long time.”
What’s her tour must-have?
“It’s a blow-dryer for my hair. When I get offstage, I’m sweating like a dog, so I’ll probably need to blow-dry my hair because it’ll be wet.”
She calls out Hayley Williams of Paramore as her fashion plate. “She has great style in her videos. I look up to her.” She tells me she hopes to be “the girl version of the Jonas Brothers” in the style department, but beautywise she looks no further than her mirror.
“I like to try and emphasize what I have, and not really look at other people,” she says.
But Demi isn’t shy about giving props to her Disney Channel role models.
“Definitely Hilary Duff because she carried out a great career and she’s still going. And Christina Aguilera. She was on Mickey Mouse Club, and look at her now. She’s gotten so far.”
What does Demi want to be when she grows up?
Thanks OK Magazine!
Taylor Swift is NOT Preggers!
I guess there was some rumor going around that Taylor was pregnant, but she clears that RUMOR up quickly in her latest blog..
Hey! Just wanted to mention that today is the last day for AMA Awards voting! And it would be so amazing if you'd go vote (for me, maybe pleasssseee :) There's a link up at the top of my page. It's pretty massive, so it's hard to miss. It would mean the world to me if you'd go to the AMA voting page and show me some love in the Favorite Female Country Artist category. I love you! Thanks for everything.
PS: I read a very creative rumor this morning saying I'm pregnant, which is the most IMPOSSIBLE thing on the planet. Take my word for it. Impossible.
Taylor Swift To Joe Jonas "I'm Not Even Going To Be Able To Remember You"!
'Forever & Always' supposedly written about ex-boyfriend Joe Jonas: 'Forever & Always" is about when I was in a relationship with someone and I was just watching him slowly slip away. I didn't know why, because I wasn't doing anything different.
I didn't do anything wrong. He was just fading. It's about the confusion and frustration of wondering why? What changed? When did it change? What did I do wrong? In this case, the guy I wrote it about ended up breaking up with me for another girl. Guess I know why he was fading..'
Turns Out That $225,000 Lamborghini WASN'T Kevins!
"Hey everyone! Kevin here. Still can’t believe I just turned 21 years old. Just wanted to thank everyone for all of the comments, messages, etc. You helped make this one of the best days ever.
We were busy all day filming our new show so everyone showed up at the set and sang Happy Birthday. Then a friend let me use his car (a Lamborghini) for the day. It was so much fun to drive it.
Although it is great…I still love my Tahoe Hybrid! Had fun all day with friends and family. But one of the best things was reading all the comments you left. Thanks again."
Thanks Jonas Pandemonium!
Selena Gomez And Danielle Deleasa Help Kevin Jonas Celebrate Birthday!
'We were walking to our car and we ran into Joe, Kevin, Nick, Selena, Maya, and Danielle! Kevin was putting a lot of stuff into his car and the girls were already inside.. They seemed like they were in a rush, and didn't take pictures with us or anything, but I did snap this shot of Nick and Joe.'
Thanks oceanUP!
"JONAS" Official Plot & Logo!
JONAS is the hottest rock band on the planet. Band members Nick, Kevin, and Joe Lucas are superstar pop idols who tear up the stage night after night causing severe outbreaks of JONAS induced hysteria. Legions of fans (especially the ones determined to become a future Mrs. Lucas) want a peek at what their lives are like offstage. Behind the cool clothes and sleek guitars, they’re just 3 boys from Jersey who are living the dream. These ultra-talented brothers are also each other’s best friends and still live at home with Mom, Dad, and little brother Frankie. At school, they hang out with lifelong friend and style guru Stella Malone, who believes fashion is the sixth sense. In the school hallways, their classmate (and major fan) Macy Misagets uncontrollably excited around them, which usually means someone’s going to get injured. JONAS episodes will feature musical vignettes woven into the story. These brothers are probably the only superstar idols who still have to do the dishes, but they know how lucky they are to be living the dream.
Thanks Jonas Pandemonium!
The Secret life of ... Disney star Selena Gomez!

Selena Gomez doesn't want to talk about whether or not she's dating Nick Jonas (though she most recently denied it -- again -- to reporters.) But it's hard to blame the 16-year-old star of Disney Channel's "Wizards of Waverly Place" for wanting to downplay her personal life when her brand is booming. She's busy working on a new album for next year and running her just-unveiled production company, July Moon Productions. And while she won't be voting in today's presidential election, Gomez has spent the last half of 2008 encouraging teens to get involved in politics, as the national spokesperson for the organization Ur Vote Counts.
"We prepare them for the election as though they were going to vote, talking to them about issues like national security, the economy and education," Gomez said. "When I thought about the fact that I'd be voting in two years I freaked. I wanted to prepare myself. What's awesome is I can get other kids involved as well."
During some rare free time, Gomez talked about being in the limelight, the first time she got recognized in public, and the one thing she likes to do all by herself.
Do you read the tabloids?
Recently, I have not. I'm actually very, very proud of myself. Honestly, the blog sites and everything -- I'd be on them nonstop. I've gone four weeks total without looking at them and I'm very proud and very happy. I was addicted. It was bad.
Do you mind being in the tabloids?
Regardless how much someone says, 'I don't believe what they say,' people do. I'm a person, and I have feelings. I love what I do, and I want to do this the rest of my life, but I do not want it to run my life.
Unfortunately, sometimes [celebrities] let the media control their life. I've seen that happen. It's not fun for me.
What was it like the first time you got recognized in public?
I actually got recognized for being on 'The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.' I was 13, and I only did one episode and had maybe seven lines total, and this little girl recognized me and I thought it was the weirdest thing. I remember back then my signature was totally like my full name and I took my time to write it all out. Now, I can't even understand what I write when I sign autographs.
After getting that first fat paycheck, what was your first big splurge?
I spent $200 on a phone. Made me nauseous. But I really wanted it. It was a present for someone.
What's the best thing about being a star?
That I'm able to use my voice for good. That I am able to use my status to my advantage.
Who is your career role model?
Rachel McAdams. I absolutely look up to her in every way possible because she's made so many wonderful decisions. I think it's wonderful that she spreads herself out. You notice that she reinvents herself in every character that she portrays. You don't see her playing one role over and over.
What makes you cry?
Thinking about home. I'm from Texas, and I don't get to go home often. I miss the normality and also that it's not so populated. I'm from a small town, and I still love going home and being able to drive at 7 in the morning and there not be any traffic. And I miss my family. They're the reason I am the person I am today.
What's the last song that you downloaded to your iPod?
"You're Not Sorry" by Taylor Swift.
What was the first movie you ever saw?
The first movie I remember seeing was "Alice in Wonderland." That and "The Wizard of Oz" are the reason I wanted to be actress. Judy Garland was my role model when I was like 6.
What song do you like to sing in the shower?
"Cry" by Mandy Moore. I loved "A Walk to Remember." I had such a huge crush on Shane West. So I was obsessed and [the soundtrack songs] "Only Hope" and "Cry" were my jams.
What's your favorite thing to do all by yourself?
I love oil painting. It's a bummer I don't get to do it as much as I'd like. I love to paint when I'm back home.
If you could change one thing about being famous, what would it be?
That the press wasn't so important. I think a lot of celebrities would agree with me on that. Or that they'd focus on all the great things in people's lives rather than all the unimportant or bad things.
What's the biggest misconception about you?
Thank goodness, there isn't none yet. It's good right now, but everyone's telling me, 'Just wait.' So I'm waiting for my big one.
The Secret Life ... is a regular feature in which celebrities talk about the highs and lows of being famous.
-- Denise Martin
NEW Selena Gomez Myspace Blog Entry!

I know it has been too long since I have been on here. A lot of stuff has been going on and I have not had a whole lot of time to get on here to fill you guys in. As some of you may already know I was in New York for Trick or Treat for Unicef, which is a great program educating kids to help other kids in other parts of the world, I know it may be a little late for Halloween but, check out the site and be ready for next year. http://youth.unicefusa.org/trickortreat/
I have also been back and forth to New York for a few talk shows Rachel Ray, The View, The Today Show. I LOVE New York, it is such a great city the energy is amazing. I will be going to Dallas this upcoming weekend to help support my cousins cheerleading charity event. I can't wait to see all my friends and family from back home, it has been far too long since I have been home.
Also, last night I went to the Jason Mraz concert at the Greek Theater, by far one of the best concerts I have ever been to, he is amazing. If you have not already gotten his new album be sure to go pick up a copy and one of my favorites songs is "Lucky". I cannot even explain what a great show it was I was so happy to have been there.
Well I am finally 16 as some of you may know but, still no license not even a permit yet but...... I will be taking my drivers education test at the DMV November 4th. Wish me luck, I am nervous. When I pass I will have my permit and then have to drive around with my Mom and step Dad for 6 months before I get my actual license, I am guessing I will be 30 by the time I get it.
I cannot wait for the Holidays, I will be spending Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years with my family. The Holidays were cut short last year because of Another Cinderella Story shooting but, this year I have nothing in the way. I can't wait. My favorite time of year Fall to Christmas!
Sorry again it has been so long.
Thank you all so much for everything your messages, comments, your calls, on here and on the youtube. I read them often and it means the world to me to have you all in my life.
God Bless,