We're BACK..again! YAY!

Hey Guys, it's KAYLEE!
It's been a longs time huh.. well sorry about that.
I've moved so its been a bit hectic! But I'm going to try and come back slowly but surely!
I'm glad to be back though, I've missed the site!

Well thanks for sticking around!

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Vanessa Hudgens on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno!

Vanessa Hudgens made her first appearance on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno on Friday. They showed a clip of a 9-year-old Vanessa performing as Cindy Lou at a local production of “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” in San Diego, Calif.

The 19-year-old High School Musical star also talked about her very first role in theater: “I auditioned for the Hunchback of Notre Dame and I wanted to be Esmeralda because that’s the girl part. I thought I could get it. But I actually got Quasimodo, the hunchback. So, I walked around with the hunchback and the crazy makeup.”

When asked if she had strict parents, Vanessa shared, “They weren’t that bad. They supported me and let me do acting. I must admit, I did get my mouth washed out with soap once. I actually, still to this day, don’t know why. I must have did something really wrong. I was 4-years-old, I don’t even know I said wrong… I honestly don’t really remember the taste.”

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