We're BACK..again! YAY!

Hey Guys, it's KAYLEE!
It's been a longs time huh.. well sorry about that.
I've moved so its been a bit hectic! But I'm going to try and come back slowly but surely!
I'm glad to be back though, I've missed the site!

Well thanks for sticking around!

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New Nick Jonas Blog!

Nick is helping fight diabetes, since he was diagnosed, sothere is now a website called


and he will post blogs about his everyday life! Also listen to the JB song "A Little Bit Longer" which is about his "experiences with diabetes and with the hope of inspiring those living with diabetes and other serious illnesses."

Posted August 06, 2008.

Hi Everyone. Thanks for coming to visit www.nickssimplewins.com a site that is all about diabetes. I know when I found out I had type 1 diabetes, I was afraid and thought, "Why me?" Then I said, "Why not me?"

Honestly, it was quite overwhelming when they first told me I was type 1. So many questions were going thru my mind. Was I going to be OK? How do I handle this change? Will it impact my music career? I needed answers. So along with my family we educated ourselves and learned that this is manageable. My family has been so supportive during this whole transition, learning about diabetes and how to make it work with the life I have.

I decided I was not going to let it slow me down. You can do the same. Something so life changing is never easy. You have to be positive, eat right and check that blood glucose level often.
Learning how to give myself insulin was also very important in my everyday understanding of my disease.

Most importantly it’s reassuring to know you’re not in it alone, which is why I started this blog. If what I’ve learned about living with diabetes can help you, that’s the best reward in the world.
So don’t forget to come back to check for more postings from me.

- Nick

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi nick im nicole docherty i am your no.1 fan.i am only 9!!!!!!!!!!!and i totally adore you.plz check out my msn .here it is.
funnyhunny99@msn.com by the do u like people with ginger hair and blue eyes?
cuz i have ginger hair and blue eyes