We're BACK..again! YAY!

Hey Guys, it's KAYLEE!
It's been a longs time huh.. well sorry about that.
I've moved so its been a bit hectic! But I'm going to try and come back slowly but surely!
I'm glad to be back though, I've missed the site!

Well thanks for sticking around!

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Wizards of Waverly Place - Smarty Pants 2.01!

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2.01 “Smarty Pants” - Alex joins best friend Harper for the Tribeca Quiz Bowl, an academic decathlon. To help give her an edge in the competition Alex wears magical Òsmarty pants,Ó which give her superior knowledge on anything and everything there is to know. The team is winning, but AlexÕs cheating could cost Harper the opportunity to academically shine among her teammates. Airs September 12, 2008 at 8:30pm EST on the Disney Channel!

click on them to make bigger!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she's so beautiful!