We're BACK..again! YAY!

Hey Guys, it's KAYLEE!
It's been a longs time huh.. well sorry about that.
I've moved so its been a bit hectic! But I'm going to try and come back slowly but surely!
I'm glad to be back though, I've missed the site!

Well thanks for sticking around!

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Demi Thanks Her Family, & The JB!

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Demi Lovato "Don’t Forget" Thank You note: Special thanks First of all, I would like to thank the coolest father ever… God. I’d be nothing and nowhere without him. He’s done incredible things for my family and I, and besides, he’s just awesome.

Second, my family: My Mom, my Stepfather Eddie.. who isn’t a Stepfather to me, but an amazing Dad. My older sister Dallas, my baby sister Madison, and my Aunt Lisa. I love you guys so much. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. Also, thank you to my family in TX, AR,NM. I love you all.

My two best friends: Selena Gomez and Marissa Callahan, you two have been the most loyal friends I’ve ever had, I love you both so much and you are more like sisters to me. I love you both.

A HUGE thank you to the Jonas Brothers. This has been an amazing experience… I have you guys to thank for so much, not just the album but letting me join you guys on the road and your unconditional love and support. I love you guys, you are super talented and awesome friends.

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