We're BACK..again! YAY!

Hey Guys, it's KAYLEE!
It's been a longs time huh.. well sorry about that.
I've moved so its been a bit hectic! But I'm going to try and come back slowly but surely!
I'm glad to be back though, I've missed the site!

Well thanks for sticking around!

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New Demi Video & Blog!!!

Current mood: ecstatic

hey everybody,

i think i'm going to start writing in this thing as much as possible, because well.. messages and comments can sometimes be hard to reply to but hopefully this way i can actually talk to you guys!

tomorrow i turn 16 which is crazy, and what better way to spend it than getting to play a concert with some my closest friends?! it's really a dream come true actually, because every year i'd blow out my birthday candles i'd wish to be doing this... getting to play music... getting to have fans.... and tomorrow on my birthday i'm playing music to my fans! haha.. so i'm really excited!

i'll let you guys know how it goes! ttyl!

OH! and by the way.... 5 WEEKS TILL "DON'T FORGET" (my album!) comes out in stores SEPTEMBER 23rd!!!!! YAYYYYY!!! :D check it out!!!!

ANNDDDDD! my first music video for my single "GET BACK" premiers this friday on disney channel right after the Cheetah Girls One World movie debuts!!! :D

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